There comes a time when you realize that KNOWING and DOING are two different things. You may KNOW exactly WHAT to do, and at the same time, you KNOW that you are not DOING it.

There comes a time when you realize that you're struggling with issues and don't know how to change them:​
  • autopilot behaviors
  • emotional eating
  • emotional overwhelm
  • self-sabotage 
  • lack of motivation or getting started
  • low frustration tolerance
  • depression/anxiety/ADHD
Enroll $2500 $1111

What's Included in ANNUAL PASS:

We will help you unlock your inner potential so you can excel to create lasting transformation. Some of the benefits of our trainings are:

  • Orientation Intake Packet & Orientation session (pre-recorded and ready for you to dive in!)
  • LIVE Orientation calls via ZOOM to get you started, orient to the program, ask questions, meet other members & the team  (starting the week of Feb 4th)
  • Weekly ​LIVE group ZOOM calls and (2) that you can SPEAK ON each month for your own hot seat coaching with personalized direction & guidance with our team of coaches - Multiple calls to participate in TOTAL over the course of the 6-month program - you have access to ALL the calls (over 24-hours per month!!) 
  • Live 'DEEP DIVE' ZOOM calls  to go farther with personal issues, blocks, obstacles - smashing them - creating massive transformation.
  • Weekly LIVE support group ZOOM calls for generalized support outside of coaching 
  • All sessions are recorded so you can review the replay and re-watch sessions at your leisure. There are 24-30 live call hours/content hours per month you can listen to! (**Invaluable**)
  • Monthly Modules of RECORDED trainings pertaining to the THEME of the month 
  • Monthly Activity Worksheets dedicated to the coordinating session themes & topics
  • Private Secret Facebook Group exclusively for group members (**Invaluable**) & weekly email digest for those that don't do FB 
  • Guided Curriculum Calendar feature for those who prefer guided weekly tasks, key dates, & a guided learning format
  • EFT tapping 'HOW TO' recorded trainings and mini-videos on various topics (Emotional Freedom Techniques) 
  • Monthly Workshops hosted by TEAM Coaches and/or Dr. Kristin 
  • Mini-Trainings & small mindset "bites" that supplement your learning and new healthy behaviors 
  • Additional psychoeducational trainings for living with depression, anxiety, & ADHD
  • Mini-Mindfulness Meditations specific to the bariatric journey 
  • Continuous Coaching, Accountability, & Support
  • Bonus Masterclasses to view at your leisure 
  • Weekly Challenges to keep you pumped! 

ANNUAL PASS Program Bonuses:

  • ​12-month access to the **BRAND NEW** BMS™ - GTS (Guidance/Training/Support) Membership 
  • Access to the BMS™ Tracking Method course (a $499 value!!)
  • Accountability partner program, mentoring and small groups for greater support
  • ​1-monthly additional live training with Dr. Kristin - ***FOR ANNUAL MEMBERS ONLY***  (recording will be available) 
  • ​**PAID IN FULL ANNUAL PASS BONUS** - (1) Bonus 30-min 1:1 private call with Dr. Kristin   
Enroll $99 $59
Please note that this is exclusively a woman's group - which includes those identifying as women.

There's no NUTRITIONAL solution to an EMOTIONAL problem

You've got to get to the CORE issues.

Are you ready to be part of a group that will help you understand yourself, gain tools and strategies to help you overcome the food issues and emotional eating, to help you stay on track, or get you back on track when you go astray?

Are you ready to be part of a group that will empower you to make the lifestyle changes that are needed for the long-haul?

Support is what you need and yet you want something more personalized and more in depth.

You want a sisterhood, a team, a tribe, to lift you up when you’re down and experiencing challenges. I’ve been there.

If NOTHING changes, NOTHING changes.

You are hurting because you’re so frustrated that you can’t resist the food, or that you can’t seem to get a handle on your relationships, your eating patterns, or the like.

I’ve been there and I get it.

You got the surgery to overcome the struggle, yet you still feel like while some things have changed, there are many things that have stayed the same.
This is because it’s more than just the food – it’s your mindset, it's your behavior, it’s how you feel about you, it’s the outside pressure and judgment from family or friends. You experience pressure at work, and stress and as a result of surgery – your coping mechanism (the food) is just not there for you like it used to be.

You are being called upon to change, and you don’t know how. You want to eat protein first, yet the potato is calling your name.

That something is YOU.
Having been over 400lbs and having bariatric surgery myself, I understand the struggles with food, having to build new coping mechanisms, and the emotional challenges that arise.

You want a group that gets YOU, your struggle, and your pain.

You want to be called out on the excuses and you want to be held accountable.

You want to get back on track and STAY on track.

You want to understand WHY you do the things you do and REAL strategies, tools, and techniques to change FOR GOOD!

You want the lifestyle shifts and lifestyle change – for the long haul.
You want to know that others know where you’ve been, and have an idea of where you want to go.
Write your awesome label here.
I’m Dr. Kristin, and I’m here to guide you and many others through a group mentoring program that leads you to life-long weight loss and lifestyle success. While you think it’s just the food, the nutrition, the exercise and “THE PLAN” – it’s so much more.

It’s how you feel about the plan, how you feel about yourself, and learning new strategies and tools following bariatric surgery that lead you to success. It's about unpacking your baggage, and all the things that hold you back!! It's about prioritizing YOU because that's how you create massive RESULTS! 

And that’s why I do what I do...
to guide you to RESULTS!

I'm HERE to teach you what I've learned so you can APPLY the techniques that work for you to create LASTING CHANGE!

I've had weight loss surgery too and I've lived this POST-OP life for nearly 10 years!! I've experienced the challenges. I've experienced regain - and lost it, and now sitting at my lowest weight ever! I've gone through it, so I know what you are going through.

I've had to cultivate the practices and lifestyle changes to keep the weight off long-term. I'm also a licensed psychotherapist, transformational mindset coach and the international leading expert in breakthrough mindset success beyond bariatric surgery.

My team and I are here guide you to the success you’ve wanted, one step at a time, putting you back in the driver’s seat of your life – and leading you to lifelong-weight loss and lifelong bariatric success.

This is a group of bariatric women of all shapes, sizes and of all backgrounds. Some are pre-op, some are less than three months out and others have years’ post-surgery. The goal is to get back on track and stay on track for the long-term.
Write your awesome label here.

Meet BMS™ Coaching Team

In addition to working with Dr. Kristin, meet the coaches and group facilitators who lead workshops, support groups, coaching groups,
and so much more which maximizes support in this amazing experience. 
Jennifer Armstrong
Bariatric Mindset Success Coach
Jennifer is a Master Certified Coach certified since 2011.  In her second year of professional trauma training via Somatic Experiencing (SE), she recognizes the limitations of thought work alone and integrates body-based, bottom-up techniques into her practices. Jennifer has completed multiple trainings in eating psychology, mindset, behavior change  and is well versed in many of the struggles bariatric patients face. As a WLS patient herself, she is also an advocate, trainer and leader with a gentle spirit and a sprinkle of tough love. It's through her driven resilient nature, passion for knowledge and growth that led her to back to her purpose of coaching women through their own weight loss journey and on the road to health and healing. Jennifer also has a small private practice where she coaches professional women toward their best lives. 

Frances Vogel 
Bariatric Mindset Success Coach
Frances Vogel has over 30 years of experience in Recovery programs and has been a mentor and sponsor for those in recovery for many years. Through her work she encourages others to find what works for them, not a one size fits all approach. Meeting everyone 'where they are' on their journey and guiding them with understanding, hope and personal experiences to the next level of their recovery. Truly empowering each woman with changed thinking and changed attitudes. This is how together can meet our personal goals.  

She’s also a wife of 25 years and mother of 2 sons and daughter. She has embraced the challenges of parenting, while being in a committed relationship with all it's ups and downs through her own weight loss journey.  After 20 years of running a successful business, she has transitioned to coaching to fulfill her life’s purpose of guiding women back to themselves.

This is a COMMITMENT and this is NOT a jump in jump out type of group – it's for SIX whole months!
We lift you up when you’re down and we soar together.

Commitment to your own path is one of our biggest priorities because I know- we know that without commitment, you’ll be backsliding into old patterns.

This program is a commitment to yourself, a commitment to your goals, a commitment to your future and a commitment of ALL of who you want to become on this bariatric journey that you’ve begun. 

              But... what's beneath the surface?

  • Mindset Basics & Mindset Matters at any stage
  • Food & Feelings / Emotional Eating
  • Back on Track (back to basics)
  • Stay on Track & Dealing with Plateaus
  • Healthy Boundaries
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Career/Work-Life Success
  • Body Image
  • Bariatric Performance (Time Management/Productivity)
  • Physical Activity/Exercise
  • Prioritizing wellness & self-care 

  • ROCK your self-esteem, confidence and self-worth
  • The POWER to stay on track with the bariatric program
  • Overcome emotional eating, persistent negativity & self-doubt
  • Healthy Relationship with FOOD & Yourself 
  • Long-term bariatric success & long-term weight loss / maintenance 
  • Juicy relationships and marriages
  • Feel GOOD in your body and in your clothes!
  • Healthy Boundaries for Home & Work
  • FREE of drama and negativity
  • Career Advancement
  • (For Singles) Dating, sex, relationships, and boundaries

What Group Members are Saying...

To say this group has helped me would be an understatement. It’s is so reassuring to know other people understand what you’re going through and to have people to turn to that will listen. When the group program started I was really struggling with the mindset piece of bariatric surgery but now I feel stronger and more confident in my journey. I can say 100% that I wouldn’t be where I am without the support this group program has given me!

- Beth Detter

The Bariatric Mindset Group Program is a fantastic resource to have as both a pre and post-op bariatric patient. Kristin is amazing. Working with her is more like talking to a friend rather than working with a coach. The people that I have met in this group are pretty amazing as well. I feel totally comfortable sharing my feelings and emotions with them.

It very much feels like a no-judgment zone!! Take advantage of this group, you WILL NOT REGRET IT!!!!!!!

- Marti Bea

Bariatric Mindset Group Program has been the best decision I made. Kristen is amazing, she is a positive, knowledgeable, and insightful coach. She gets all the mental struggles and setbacks. She makes you believe that you will rise above your issues and problems to become what you envisioned for yourself. I am so thankful to her for many reasons. She gets it and me.

- Tena Butticci

Dr. Kristin is a miracle worker. She gets right to the root of the problem. You can say very few words, and she gets it right away. She definitely has all of the tools to help you get to the root of the problem, shift your mindset., and change your life. I highly recommend the Bariatric Mindset Group Coaching Program. JUST DO IT. It has been a life-changer for me, and I know it will be for you too!

- Heather

I knew I needed some help, but I did not know what it was. I was reading Dr. Kristing's book, Bariatric Mindset Success, and I researched Kristin and discovered the Bariatric Mindset Group Coaching Program. I jumped in not knowing what to expect, and I found something so much more than I could have ever imagined.

I found a group of supportive women who understand what I was going through and are going through it with me! We celebrate each other's success and support each other through the struggles. I found lifelong friends that I never would have found had I not joined this group, I found an amazing coach who understood me and my journey because she went through it herself. She approaches her coaching through compassion and understanding, which I had never experienced prior to joining the group.

Most of all I learned that it was not all about food and what I ate, but how I thought about myself and how that needed to shift. If you are thinking about it, and are ready to do the work. I HIGHLY recommend joining this group. Invest in yourself, you're worth it!

- Mannie

I have gone deeper with her and found out more about myself and what makes me tick than I have with any other person. She helped me lose the rest of my weight and keep the weight off for the past two years. I have had no regain. She and the women in the group keep me on track. If you are looking for that one group, this is the one to go for!

- Angie Peck